About managing the link between pages and comments, here is the sequence we follow to identify the page and link comments to it:
We are looking for the presence of one of these parameters entered in our universal TAG JS in this order of priority:
guid = WordpPress permanent link URL // (only automatically set by our plugin for WP)
uid = ID of the article / page // (value defined by yourself to manage the link yourself)
url: publisher custom url // Here you can define a specific url yourself, including url parameters.
Then, if we don't see any of these parameters in the tag, we retrieve the URL present in the browser ourselves by cleaning up the parameters passed in the URL:
URL of the current page with the JS TAG (captures the entire URL address in the browser, can then be modified in GC admin, PAGES tab)
To force the display of the same instance of comments on several pages, you must add on these pages in the editable part of your javascript tag, an identical 'uid' parameter for your different pages:
window.gc_params = {
graphcomment_id: 'your-public-graphcomment-id', // MANDATORY PARAMETER ONLY, make sure this id is yours.
uid: 'your-custom-id-here', // Here you need to define a unique identifier yourself, example: 'my-unique-comment-page'