The moderation tab of the GraphComment admin has 4 tabs:
Pending: List all comments awaiting moderation in case you have activated the pre-moderation
Approved: List all comments that have been approved by a moderator in pre-moderation mode and which are therefore displayed on the site.
Deleted: List all comments that were pending and that have been declined by a moderator in pre-moderation mode. They are therefore not displayed on the site and therefore have the status "Refused".Also lists comments deleted afterwards (in post-moderation mode) and which were then deleted by a moderator. They are therefore no longer displayed on the site and therefore have the status "Withdrawn". At the location of the comment removed in the discussion will appear the message “This message has been deleted by the moderator. " in place.
All: List all comments that have been posted by users on this site with labels to specify the status of each comment.
Possible actions :
Reply and approve: Reply to a comment directly in the admin and immediately post your reply and approve the comment.
Delete: Allows you to remove a comment already approved or refuse a pending comment
Signal as spam: Refuses or removes a comment by marking it as spam to allow rules to be created against spammers.