The sorting is done on the basis of the ranking algorithm by the relevance « Bubble Rank » which uses many indicators to make this calculation.
By relevance, it is necessary to understand « who feeds the debate ». That is to say, who brings arguments with which I can agree or disagree but who have the merit of taking the discussion forward. There is no question of value judgment or intelligence measurement.
The comment threads and their responses are sorted from the most relevant at the top left to the least relevant at the bottom right.
As time passes, the most relevant answers go upwards and are therefore more visible.
In order to make the Bubble Rank effective, GraphComment relies among other things on community votes that are requested when replying to a message and which are weighted by the reputation of the user on this site. The reputation itself is earned through, among other things, the votes received on your comments.
With GraphComment, be relevant and you’ll be automatically promoted by the community!