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Latest activity by WatsonJH
  • WatsonJH commented,

    Hi,The theme still does not adapt automatically. If I write light, it loads the light one, if I write dark it loads the dark one.But if I write auto, it is a mix between the 2. It looks the same if...

  • WatsonJH commented,

    Hi, And if I want it to automatically change, do I have to change something?  Forcing it with your code works. But the autodetection does not.Also, loading times are higher. Edit: I tried changing ...

  • WatsonJH commented,

    I am not sure where to set this :/ With the older version of the code, the sidepanel was working fine for auto-detection of the theme colours. Here is the code I use:  /* - - - CONFIGURATION VARIA...

  • WatsonJH commented,

    Hi, The automatic detection does not work at all, the light theme for GC stays whether the site uses the light or dark theme globally.When I force it, it becomes partially dark. See below

  • WatsonJH commented,

    Any ideas?